upcoming Jennifer
Gentle album (due 2011)
is a song called "Little
Carol," which appears in
the Italian film Una Vita
Tranquilla starring Toni
Servillo (The Girl by the
Lake). Check it out here.
Here's an excerpt from my Tablet review of Jennifer Gentle's
2005 release Valende (Sub Pop), "I can't say I've ever heard any-
thing like Jennifer Gentle before. On their third full-length, the Italian duo sound like an unholy alliance between T-Rex, Animal
Collective, Pianosaurus...and Ornette Coleman. While Marco and
Alessio favor offbeat instrumentation, like harmonium, glocken-
spiel, and kazoo, they can also crank up the volume, free jazz-
style, when the mood hits. Marco's vocals, meanwhile, sound
like Marc Bolan on 45 (or Alvin the Chipmunk on acid)."
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Endnote: Click here for my review of Gomorrah and here for Il Divo, both starring Servillo...but not featuring music by Jennifer Gentle (both films made my top 10 for 2009). Image from Ja.La.
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