Wednesday, March 04, 2015

March 2015 Reviews

Jack O'Connell in Yann Demange's '71.
These are 
the reviews 
and other 
pieces I'm 
working on 
this month.

The Stranger Film Op-
enings: Wild Canaries: Brooklyn Screwball Thriller, Featured in this Year’s Seattle Jewish Film
Festival Is A Borrowed Identity, a Film About the Complex Iden-
tity of an Arab Israeli
, You’re Unlikely to See a Better Thriller
This Year than Yann Demange’s ’71
, After Watching It Follows,
You'll Feel Like You're Being Followed
, The Worlds of J.D. Salin-
ger and Jonathan Safran Foer Meet in Like Sunday, Like Rain
and The Movie That Gave the Scottish Band Belle and Sebas-
tian Its Name Has Dead Animals and Drunk Grandfathers

Slog/Film Opening count: 594 posts/reviews since 2011. 

The Seattle International Film Festival: I started working
on the 2015 program guide. This is my 14th year as a contribu-
tor, and I've written three blurbs so far. Titles to come in May. 
The Stranger Up & Comings: The Dodos and Springtime
, Hurray for the Riff Raff and Adia Victoria, Pub-
lic Service Broadcasting, Twerps, Lures, and Zebra Hunt

Video Librarian: Exposed, Through a Lens Darkly - Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People, Captive Hearts, Disease and Treatment, Fifty Shades Uncovered, Fight Like a Girl, K2 Spice - A Nightmare without End, Letters from Pyongyang, Reel Herstory - The Real Story of Reel Women, Give Me Shelter, This Ain’t No Mouse Music!, and Song One.

71 image from Studio Canal/Roadside Attractions. 

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