Sunday, October 08, 2006

The View From Google

Every few months, I search Google using my name, in its dual permutations (Kathy vs. Kathleen), to see where my reviews
are ending up. Here are some of the more interesting results.


Bloodshot Records:
AndMoreAgain review of Paul Burch - East to West

Reference to my Amazon review of the Kills - No Wow:

The film's soundtrack [The Beat That My Heart Skipped] also bears
a mixed sense of quietude and tension. The baroque melodies Tom [Romain Duris] is trying to master become abrasive in his impatient hands. But it's the song "Monkey 23," performed by the punk-blues duo the Kills (my favorite band of the moment), that is perhaps most fitting. The song appears twice; first, during a scene in which Tom drives through Paris at night, and, again, during the closing credits. As with Tom, and the film itself, an emotional volatility lies just beneath the surface of "Monkey 23". That's symptomatic of all of The Kills' music; indebted to P. J. Harvey and The Velvet Underground, The Kills employ a minimalist, gritty aesthetic, accessible melodies, and emotionally open lyrics. Or, as Kathleen Fennessy wrote in an Amazon editorial review of the band's second album, "The Kills come on like a post-punk version of Robert Mitchum in The Night of the Hunter--with 'hate' tattooed on one hand, 'love' on the other."

Democratic Underground:
Amazon review of Baghdad ER

Links to my Siffblog in-
terviews with Keith Fulton,
Lynn Shelton (including my
original We Go Way Back review), and Michel Gondry.

[I love you, GreenCine.]

AMG Review of Consonant - Love and Affliction

Jazziz Radio:
Amazon review of Imogen Heap - Speak for Yourself

The Jim Henson Company:
Amazon review of Fraggle Rock - The Complete Second Season

[I think Gondry would dig Fraggle Rock--and the
Henson Company did produce a French version...]

Little Radio Blogzine:
Amazon review of the Fiery Furnaces - EP

AMG bio of Keren Ann

The Treadaway Brothers:
AndMoreAgain interview with Keith Fulton

[Harry and Luke Treadaway, AKA the Bang-Bang, above left.]

Velvet Monkeys MySpace Page:
AMG bio of the band

Endnote: Movie stills (Eternal Sunshine and Brothers of the Head) from previous posts, Kills Polaroids from their official website. Thanks to Bill for bringing the GreenCine Daily references to my attention. It proves that there are at least three people reading Siffblog: me, Bill, and GreenCine's David Hudson.

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