Sunday, September 20, 2009

Autographs: Celebs and Pens

Once upon a time, I liked to ask celebrities for
their autographs. That time ended long ago, coinciding with an increase in the number of interviews I've conducted with various entertainment figures over the years (it seems more appropriate to ask a celeb for their signature if you purchased a ticket to their film and/or performance than during the course of a publicist-arranged conversation). Here are a few of my favorites, with more to come.

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Former label guy Glenn Boothe secured Arthur Lee's autograph
for me when the musician played NYC (sometime in the late-'80s,
early-'90s). There's a reason I named my blog AndMoreAgain...

Remember when Wire changed the line-up and dropped the "e"? I do.

While he was in town with James Ellroy, who signed my copy of
My Dark Places, Curtis Hanson signed my copy of this CD sound-
track—in silver pen, no less. Then he told me I paid too much for it.

Endnote: Cross-posted at Facebook.

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